This website uses cookies to provide you with services at the highest level. You can change the cookie settings in your browser settings. Read more... [I agree]
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Privacy policy

1. The administrator collects information contained in Cookies. Cookie files (also known as cookies) are small text files sent by the server and saved on the device of the person visiting the Online Store website (e.g. on the hard drive of a computer, laptop, smartphone memory card, etc.) and which the browser sends
back at the next visits to the Online Store website. Detailed information on cookies, as well as the history of their creation, can be found, among others, at here:

2. The Administrator may process the data contained in Cookies when visiting the Online Store website in order to:
a) adapting the content of the Online Store to the Customer's preferences, including by adjusting the color, font size, layout, as well as optimizing the use of the Online Store website;
b) remembering the Goods added to the basket in order to place an Order;
c) remembering data from completed Order Forms, logging into the Store, surveys;
d) enabling interaction with social networks (for example: posting on Facebook or Twitter directly from the website);
e) adjusting the advertising content displayed on the Website;
f) creating anonymous statistics on the use of the Online Store website and statistics on the flow of customers between different websites.

3. Cookies do not cause configuration changes in the device or software installed on the Customer's device

4. Cookie settings may be changed by Customers at any time, in particular in such a way as to prevent automatic storage or access to Cookies. Detailed information on individual browsers can be found below:

b. Chrome
c. Internet Explorer
d. Opera
e. Safari.

5. The administrator warns, however, that blocking or deleting cookies may cause difficulties in using the Online Store, and in justified cases prevent the use of some of its options.

6. The conditions for storing or accessing cookies using the settings in the end devices used by the Customer to browse the Online Store and the software installed on these devices can be found in
in the instructions for use usually provided by the manufacturer of a given device or in the instructions posted on the website. Nevertheless, in most cases, select the "Tools" or "Settings" option and find the section responsible for configuring cookie settings or managing privacy while browsing the Internet.

7. The administrator may collect IP addresses of customers visiting the Online Store, which may be helpful in diagnosing technical problems with the server, creating statistical analyzes (e.g. determining from which regions the Online Store records the most visits). In addition, they can be useful in administering and improving the Online Store.